Notes from meeting at Hampton Inn regarding how to finish the Situations project
1. Products and process (including who, what, and timeline)
ICME book –
Needs intro chapter including overview of framework – cite the other book
Project book
Moving from situations to framework
Creating new situations:
Guiding the development of situations
Characteristics of good situations
Summary of uses from Athens conference
Public website
2. Project website
Make initial decisions on (vision of/to be vetted with Infoage and Jeremy and Rose):
Decide on what will remain on website
How will website be maintained?
Start over (with something more flashy) or archive (all versions and history?)
Role of public website vs. our website
Continue to build?
What can we put on a public website (depends on publisher) and what do we want on the public website?
Having a public website increases the chance of it being used.
It could facilitate the demand for looking at the book.
The abbreviated framework – or can the framework be available on the web outside of purchasing the book—perhaps the abbreviated form with links to the full form.
Can chapters be sold?
Can the website handle new submissions?
3. Publisher (try to call him today)
Exactly what does he need and what is the timeline?
Books to propose (to be out at about the same time)
ICME book – what do we need to send the publisher (Word document and accompanying pdf). Mention ICME book. Short book. International perspective. Expect it – we would like to cite the first book in it. They would be released at about the same time.
Framework and Final situations book‑
How to deal with what is online vs what can be published?
We need to know how to deal with the public website and what can appear there that overlaps with the published material.
What size can the books be?
NCSM facilitator guide would have some Situations in it – is this a problem?
4. NCSM request
e-mail Diane with request for info (we are strongly supportive, what do they need from us, our vision of what it might be as a negotiating point, do they have a list of what they want to do, we would like several of us to be at an organizational meeting—maybe meeting in St. Louis?—need date for organizational meeting—Jim to be the constant contact—what do they need before the organizational meeting—what will be done regarding publishing—coordinate with our publisher)
Other considerations
Who to publish? (NCSM may publish and send to members)
Timeline for publishing? When?
What will the facilitatorÕs guide include?
What input do we need to or want to have into the content? [We need to have some participation at organizational meeting and editing the final version.]
Jim to serve as point of contact regarding the NCSM publication. Others to participate in organizational meetings.
Need to check on finances
5. ZDM articles and others
Guidelines on how we will operate
Dissertations, other related work
To do:
Check on password protection for PSU website – ask Tracy to check.
Do a google search for other avenues into the Situations work – ask Shiv. Trace links to our work.
After George sends the contract, Kathy to send to the other faculty, review, and go back to George with questions (must we remove all situations from our in-house site?) What about previously published material – articles and dissertations – do we need to get permission.
That was the agenda. Now the work:
Project book
Chapter 1. Intro describing history leading to framework
Overview of our goal and how we worked toward it
Chapter 2. Framework (keep it mostly the same as 100405 (latest)version except renaming framework and edit to reflect new name. We may need to add a paragraph or so to explain the new name (e.g., what do we mean by ÒunderstandingÓ))
Chapter 3. Description of what situations are and How did we create situations
Components of a situation, with an example or two
Purposes and characteristics of good situations
Situations template
Chapter 4. Moving from situations to framework
Trace the development of the three perspectives
Start with nouns and verbs in situations
Mathematize verbs and create categories from the mathematized versions then expand to a more global level
Nouns were mapped into the proficiencies – matching with previous work
Nouns and verbs did not capture what is special about the mathematics for teaching in the context of the secondary level. Initiated at the PSU conference – attendees insisted that we had not captured the work of teaching.
Mathematicians (Tom Banchoff, Walter or Neil?, mathematicians at conferences)
Wilson-Conners study
Multiplicity of uses proposed
Chapter 5. Creating new situations:
Guiding others in the development of situations
What are the different ways that situations may develop (e.g., focus on what teachers commonly do in this context and describe the mathematics they commonly apply; focus on the conceptual understanding that underpins the prompt; focus on the mathematical connections)
Start with the framework to create situations
(creation could be done by teams of developers and the product could be used by mathematics departments and by mathematics educators)
Possible use by mathematics departments and by mathematics educators (would serve not only to help mathematicians develop MUST but also to help connect school mathematics with collegiate mathematics)
(creation could be done by (graduate) students in mathematics or mathematics education courses)
(graduate) students who have taught could recall prompts from their teaching
Summary of uses
Uses of situations
refer to NCSM guide but focus here on different audiences (preservice, inservice, mathematicians, research) and general ways they might use situations.
Suggested uses from the GA conference
Uses of situations and framework
Chapter 6 to (6+k)Situations (include list of contributors)
Edit titles to reflect the mathematical content (e.g., ladder, parametric drawings)
Chapter (6+k+1). Next steps: What can follow?
Some ideas (there are others)
Looking ahead, using this material
Different uses, including the study of instructional practices
Other approaches to MUST
Consolidating approaches to MUST
Adjudicating MKT egg and MUST
Measuring MUST
Work from 100405 version, keep the diagram, rename the framework as Mathematical Understanding for Secondary Teaching. We need to examine the version for edits due to the change in overall title. We felt this necessary because of the overlap between the framework title and the category 1 title. We thought that it would be better to keep mathematical proficiency in the title of the category 1 because the term proficiency comes from the Adding It Up framework for mathematical proficiency and 4 of the 5 the components of category 1 are the strands of mathematical proficiency from the Adding It Up publication.
Kathy to send a note to JK and RZ to get their approval.
Each of the situations would be its own chapter with authors listed.
Kathy to send a note to JK and RZ to get their approval.
WHO IS THE AUDIENCE FOR THE BOOK? Mathematics education researchers, mathematics teacher educators, Mathematicians involved in teacher education, school and school district mathematics leaders, those who assess mathematical knowledge for teachers
Kathy will send outline to JK and RZ. We will set up a phone call (conference call) to decide on who will take responsibility for writing first draft of what. KH and PW to do the final editing. GB to do copy-editing.
If George does not call back, Kathy to contact him with our questions.